Phoenix Hosts Successful Owner Open House for Housing Choice Voucher Program

On Wednesday, the City of Phoenix welcomed 80 property owners at an Owner Open House for the City’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program.

During the event, current and prospective landlords had the opportunity to get questions answered one-on-one by staff to learn about Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contracts and the $2,000 bonus for landlords who sign new HAP contracts and lease a rental unit to a voucher holder. Attendees were also invited to participate in two new breakout sessions to learn about Project Based Vouchers (PBV) and Housing Quality Standards to ensure their units will pass inspections.

The event received positive feedback from landlords who attended. “Thank you again for ensuring that landlords are welcome and included in this very important program,” said one participant, who praised the breakout sessions for helping them learn new information.

The City of Phoenix is dedicated to providing housing arrangements for more people who have a rental subsidy and is always looking to engage more landlords interested in learning more about the HCV program. Some of the benefits for landlords include:

  • Payment consistency- landlords will receive monthly subsidy checks from the City.
  • Renter stability- voucher holders are able to stay in their homes longer, reducing turnover.
  • Access to a dedicated landlord liaison who can guide landlords through the process.

Landlords who are interested in learning more about the Housing Choice Voucher Program can find more information here.

The next Owner Open House for the HCV Program will be held in Fall 2023.

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