Phoenix City Council Approves Ordinance to Ban Source of Income Discrimination in Housing

Phoenix City Hall

Phoenix City Council approved an amendment to Chapter 18 of the Phoenix City Code to prohibit housing discrimination based on a renter or buyer’s source of income. This decision solidifies the City’s position on the right to fair housing and affirms that there is no place for discrimination in Phoenix.  

Chapter 18 outlines the City’s commitment to undertake vigorous steps to provide equal opportunity and protect people from discrimination based on a variety of factors, now including source of income. The amendment prohibits the practice of discriminating against a home buyer or renter based on the buyer or renter’s source of income. ​For example, this prohibits discrimination against those who use housing vouchers, Social Security disability, benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs, foster family credits, and other sources of income.  A person who discriminates against a buyer or renter based on the buyer or renter’s source of income may be subject to civil penalties of up to $2,500 and daily penalties up to $2,500.  

The amendment will not be enforced until after the Arizona Attorney General reconsiders Report No. 22-002. After the Attorney General completes its reconsideration, the City of Phoenix will take appropriate action.  ​

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