Mayor Gallego Launches Legacy Small Business Program

Mayor Gallego honors Mrs.White’s long-standing small business, the “Golden Rule Cafe,” in February 2023.

Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego announced the launch of her “Legacy Small Business Program” — a new Mayor’s Office initiative to honor Phoenix businesses that have provided services to the community for 25 years or more.

“Our Phoenix small businesses not only contribute to the local economy, but they also enrich our city’s history and culture. With over 90% of businesses in Phoenix employing less than 100 people, our small businesses are the driving force behind our city’s growth. I am excited to kick off the legacy program to recognize their contributions,” said Mayor Gallego.

To be qualified for the Legacy Small Business Program, prospective businesses must be 25 years or older and located in the city of Phoenix to be eligible for consideration.

Additional requirements include the following: 

  1. Completed application.
  2. Submission of at least one photo of the existing location/building
  3. Optional letter(s) of support from the community

The program is open to all long-standing small businesses in the city of Phoenix.  Application submission is available both in person (at City Hall) and online. Businesses honored will receive special recognition by Mayor Gallego’s office.

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