This Grant Program will provide a base award of $300 for each child who was enrolled and attended at least one day of care in January 2020. Exceptions to the January 2020 utilization will only be made if the provider did not open until after January 2020. Providers located in rural counties (any county outside of Pima and Maricopa counties) will receive an additional incentive of $1,000.00 added to the total of the grant award in order to maintain access to childcare in remote areas across the state. Providers enrolled in a Quality First Program or a DES recognized accreditation program will receive an additional incentive of $1,000 added to the total grant award. In addition, a provider that is not currently contracted with DES and elects to become a DES contracted provider, will receive an additional $50 per child served. If a childcare provider is currently closed, they must agree to open and provide child care services no later than September 30, 2020.
Applications are available from August 12 to August 26. Providers will receive notification of their award on September 7 and the first grant award payment will be issued on September 15.To apply, please visit our website. For questions regarding the Child Care COVID-19 Grant program, please email