Tourism Economic Impact in Mesa Reaches $1.1 Billion, Says Report

Visit Mesa’s latest annual economic impact report conducted by Tourism Economics finds 4.3 million visitors spent $710.4 million in 2022, which translates into $2 million spent by visitors every single day in Mesa and a total economic impact of $1.1 billion for the city and its residents.

The report’s findings show this total economic impact sustained 7,767 jobs, generated $338.7 million in total labor income, and provided $81.1 million in state and local tax revenues in 2022.

“The visitor industry is a vital economic engine for the city, generating tax revenue and providing jobs residents rely upon. The results of this report underscore the value of the travel sector in terms of direct visitor spending, as well as the total economic impact in the broader economy,” said Marc Garcia, President and CEO of Visit Mesa. “These imported visitor dollars enhance the quality of life for our residents. Furthermore, the yield on visitor tax receipts is quite efficient as visitors don’t typically require public services like schools, jails and libraries.”

City of Mesa Mayor John Giles added, “This study shows that tourism is an integral part of the Mesa economy. The visitor industry generates significant economic benefits for our city and enhances our quality of life. We are working together to ensure Mesa is an accessible and inclusive travel destination, and to attract amenities that serve residents and draw visitors from across the nation and around the world.”

Additional data highlights:

  • In 2022, tourism-supported jobs accounted for 7% of all jobs in the city.
  • Employment supported by visitor activity rose 13% in 2022, an increase of more than 600 jobs.
  • Each household in Mesa would need to be taxed an additional $426 to replace the visitor-generated taxes received by state and local governments in 2022.

Visit Mesa is the official Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) responsible for positioning and promoting Mesa, Arizona, as a top destination for leisure and business travel. The organization released the results of the economic impact study in its 2022/2023 Annual Report. All research was conducted by Tourism Economics, an Oxford Economics Company.