Large Majority of Arizona Voters Want Bipartisan Solutions to Border Crisis; Immigration Reform

Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA), a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization with a mission of bringing Arizonans together to create a stronger and brighter future for the state, released findings today from its Arizona Voters’ Agenda related to the topic of immigration. From survey research of likely Republican, Democratic, and independent/unaffiliated voters of all ages, the Voters’ Agenda identifies where voters agree on critical topics and those they would like to hear discussed by candidates as they campaign for office. Most notably regarding immigration, the data show that most Arizona voters seek and support practical solutions to address significant challenges.

Immigration, specifically related to the southern border in Arizona, is one of the most talked-about topics in the state. The recent Arizona Voters’ Agenda survey confirms that voters across the political spectrum view it as a top issue. An overwhelming majority agree on the need for immigration reform that creates a pathway to citizenship, facilitates commerce, and addresses the influx of migrants at the southern border, which Arizonans perceive as an international humanitarian crisis.

“Despite the narrative that frames immigration as a highly partisan issue, the sentiments of Arizona voters tell a different story. Across party lines, there’s a broad consensus on the priorities that need attention and a strong desire for leaders to collaborate and craft solutions that address immigration in a comprehensive way,” said Dr. Sybil Francis, Chair, President & CEO of CFA. “Our research provides clear data pointing to specific areas where the ongoing discussions and debates on immigration should focus to address and advance the priorities of voters effectively.”

Overall, 90% of Arizona voters believe “immigration reform is important to our country and our economy” and that “a functioning border for commerce and immigration” must be prioritized. Support for this sentiment includes 85% Republicans, 91% independent/unaffiliated voters, and 92% Democrats.

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