Joy E. Seitz, American Solar & Roofing

from Joy E. Seitz

Is it business vs. Mother Nature? The better question is, “What are the new pathways to economic success?” Turns out, Mother Nature offers an abundance of opportunities for businesses innovative enough to recognize appropriate prospects.

For example, as a national leader in solar power, Arizona has the potential to become one of the country’s largest exporters of clean, renewable energy. This is no longer a nascent idea waiting on data and technology to be viable. Continued investment in clean energy infrastructure – at all levels – saves Arizonans money, strengthens our grid, and creates more high-paying jobs.

Another opportunity is the electrification of vehicles in all sectors, including business. This transition, in conjunction with on-site solar, is a win for companies, employees, and their customers. Imagine pulling into a covered parking space at work and charging your EV with the solar power system shading your space! Employees want to work for companies investing in clean technology and customer awareness of a company’s contribution to a cleaner future, or lack thereof, can be a deciding factor in their patronage.

The cover story this month explores the economic benefits in sustainability through a variety of responses from businesses across the spectrum, from those providing products that enable further sustainable advantages to those that are incorporating significant sustainable options into their operations. And, as other experts share in this article, technology promises further sustainability opportunities in the future.

A more equitable future is the topic Joanna De’Shay address in her feature article “Biased? What we don’t know can hurt in and out of the workplace.” With a personal experience as her starting point, De’Shay discusses unconscious, implicit bias — source and consequences and opportunity to advance DEI.

Among this edition’s other significant features are “Tough Talks: How to Have Difficult Conversations with Employees,” in which Dr. Tricia Groff offers suggestions to get past the all-too-common hesitation and awkwardness, and “Disruption and Continuity – Preparing the Business Response,” in which Diane Thomas discusses businesses’ need for a proactive approach to ensuring their ability to continue to deliver their products or services following a disruptive event.

As in each edition of In Business Magazine, content includes business-relevant topics in Economy, Legal, Healthcare, Technology, and Commercial Real Estate, where to share a table for a Power Lunch and an insightful From the Top business profile. I’m pleased to have been able to contribute to the cover story and help bring this August edition to you. Enjoy the read.


Joy E. Seitz
Owner and CEO
American Solar & Roofing

Joy E. Seitz is the CEO and owner of Phoenix-based American Solar & Roofing. For more than a decade, she has been advocating in both Arizona and Washington, D.C., to advance the solar industry and accelerate solar adoption as we transition to a clean energy future. Her company, American Solar & Roofing, has been a leader in Arizona residential, grid-tied solar installations for more than 21 years.

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