Arizona’s Top Ranked ‘Side Hustle’ is Podcasting, Says Study

New research has discovered the most Googled side hustles in Arizona, with Podcasting at the top of the list. Knowledge entrepreneurs at Freedom Bound Business analyzed the total average number of monthly Google searches for terms related to side hustles, including ‘how to start [side hustle]’ and ‘how to make money from [side hustle]’ to determine which ones citizens are most interested in trying.

Rank Side Hustle Average Number of Monthly Google Searches
Affiliate Marketing
Social Media Influencing

#1. Podcasting

Terms related to Podcasting are searched 1303 times each month in the state, with the most searched term being ‘how to start a podcasting side hustle’. This side hustle can be an exciting and rewarding endeavor for those looking to share their passions or expertise with a broader audience. It begins with identifying a unique niche or topic that interests listeners, and then recording and editing episodes. With dedication and creativity, a podcast can not only become a fulfilling hobby but also a source of income through sponsorships, advertisements, and listener donations.

#2. Dropshipping

In total, terms related to Dropshipping are searched 1182 times every month. This side hustle involves running an online store without stocking any inventory. Instead, when a product is sold, the seller orders it from a third-party supplier for less money than the buyer paid. The supplier then ships it directly to the customer, eliminating the need for initial investment from the seller. Operating a dropshipping business primarily involves sourcing products to sell, managing the online storefront, and handling customer service and marketing. The most common search term for this side hustle is ‘how can i become a dropshipper’.

#3. Affiliate Marketing

The Affiliate Marketing side hustle has an average monthly search volume of 1113. Affiliate marketers earn commissions by promoting other people’s or companies’ products. They select products they believe in and promote them through various channels such as a blog, social media, or email newsletters. If someone makes a purchase through your unique affiliate link, you receive a percentage of the sale. The key to success in affiliate marketing lies in building a strong, trustworthy online presence and effectively connecting your audience with products they will be interested in. The term ‘how can i become an affiliate marketer’ has a search volume of 218 alone.

#4. Social Media Influencing

Terms relating to Social Media Influencing have 440 monthly Google searches in total. Out of all search terms analyzed for this side hustle, the term ‘how can i become an influencer’ was the most common. Becoming an influencer involves leveraging online platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and YouTube to build a following around a specific niche or interest, creating and sharing content that interests an audience. As their following grows, influencers can monetize their social media presence through brand partnerships, sponsored posts, advertising revenue, and merchandise sales. This side hustle requires a commitment to consistent content creation and audience engagement, but it offers the potential for substantial earnings.

#5. Investing

With a total monthly search volume of 408, Investing is next on the list. It involves allocating your extra income into various financial assets with the goal of earning returns over time. This can include things like stocks, bonds, real estate, or mutual funds. While it requires an initial financial commitment and ongoing monitoring of market conditions, investing can be a powerful way to build wealth passively. As a side hustle, it offers the flexibility of being largely hands-off, allowing you to continue with your primary career while your investments potentially grow in the background. The most common search term for this side hustle is ‘how to make money from investing’.

“With the ever-evolving job market, many are seeking additional sources of income and greater flexibility in their careers,” said Jonathan Pinedo, founder of Freedom Bound Business. S”ide hustles offer the perfect solution, allowing people to pursue their passions, explore new opportunities, and supplement their primary income.

“It is great to see people taking initiative to harness their skills and passions in ways that can enhance their income. It is possible for anyone with an internet connection and a bit of entrepreneurial spirit to get started, with many well-known influencers and podcast hosts inspiring others to give these side hustles a try.”

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