Arizona Voters Want Long-Term Planning and Stable Revenue to Support Future Growth

New survey findings reveal clear support across political affiliations for a strategic investment approach to ensure the state’s prosperity.

Center for the Future of Arizona announced results from its latest 2024 Arizona Voters’ Agenda survey, providing voters’ views of taxes, state spending, and long-term planning ahead of the November general election. This survey research is part of CFA’s ongoing efforts to center the voices of Arizonans during election season and highlight areas where likely voters agree across political and generational lines. The findings reveal that voters are calling for a more strategic approach to long-term planning, stable revenue sources, and investments that support growth and maintain quality of life across the state.

Arizona voters recognize that strategic vision and long-term planning are essential to ensuring the state’s continued success,” said Dr. Sybil Francis, Chair, President & CEO of CFA. “Voters are forward-looking, urging policymakers to make decisions today that will shape Arizona’s future and ensure long-term prosperity.”

The 2024 Arizona Voters’ Agenda survey, conducted by CFA in collaboration with HighGround, Inc., an Arizona-based award-winning public opinion polling firm, reveals key policy priorities that have surpassed CFA’s rigorous threshold for agreement to be deemed Voters’ Agenda items. The survey also provides broader insights into voter sentiment.

Arizona Voters Want to Prepare for Growth

Arizona is expected to see significant population growth in the coming decades, with the state expected to reach 8 million residents by 2030 and 9 million by 2040.

Planning for the future resonates strongly with voters, as 88% of voters agree that Arizona needs “a long-term investment strategy based on stable revenue and better planning” to sustain growth. Voters believe that “Arizona’s short-term budget planning creates a lot of uncertainty – often alternating between budget shortfalls and cuts one year, and surpluses and spending the next.” Voters across political affiliations support this notion – with 83% of Republicans, 90% of independent/unaffiliated voters, and 93% of Democrats in agreement.

Additionally, 52% of voters are not confident that the state is prepared for future growth, and 87% of voters support the statement that “It will take higher levels of planning and preparedness to ensure we have the resources and infrastructure to support growth and maintain our quality of life.” Read more

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