67% of Workers Prefer to Stay With Current Company if Given New Opportunities, Says Survey

Rick McCartney

Despite headlines about workers leaving jobs en masse amid the Great Resignation, only 29% of American workers have switched jobs in the past two years, according to the latest MagnifyMoney survey, and just 33% of workers would rather leave their employer for a new job than switch roles internally.

According to MagnifyMoney executive editor Ismat Mangla, some employees prefer to stick with a company they know and like. “If they’re happy where they work and like the company culture, it  can be risky to sacrifice that for a new environment that may not be as palatable,” she says.

Key findings:

  • Company loyalty seems to be the norm (for now). 67% of U.S. workers say they’d rather switch jobs internally than leave their company.
  • 7 in 10 (71%) American workers haven’t changed jobs in the past two years. Despite the Great Resignation remaining prominent in the news, only 17% tell MagnifyMoney they’re actively applying for jobs.
  • 83% of workers say they’d be OK having a “less senior” title if they were well-paid. 
  • 80% of workers say they’re uncomfortable sharing their salary with co-workers in their department, and 69% don’t want to talk about their pay with friends.
  • Nearly 1 in 10 Americans (9%) say they’ve had a job offer rescinded in the past year. That figure spikes to almost 2 in 10 (19%) among six-figure earners.

Full survey findings can be found here.

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