Better Efficiency with New Energy Star Requirements 

by Sal Sucato

The timing is right to upgrade windows and doors for energy efficiency, especially since the new Energy Star 7.0 requirements went into effect last October. The goal of Energy Star, as a government-backed symbol for energy efficiency, is to foster the use of more energy-efficient products, while diminishing greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants. This is the first change to Energy Star requirements since 2006, and a significant stride toward a greener future.

 When we opened DunRite Windows & Doors in 2001, many people were not thinking about energy efficiency. In fact, it was only in 1998 that the Environmental Protection Agency had added windows and doors as Energy Star product categories. In the early 2000s, fiberglass-composite windows became popular with small businesses and homeowners. While vinyl windows require less maintenance and are less costly, they can occasionally warp, leading to poor air seal. Fiberglass windows are impervious to rot and termites and have a longer lifespan than vinyl windows. They are slightly more energy efficient than vinyl, depending on the specific window and energy efficiency features or upgrades chosen, and can mimic the look of wood — a design feature that is attractive to small businesses and homeowners alike.

 Those replacing windows and doors for a home or business need to keep in mind that Arizona includes four different Energy Star zones; for structures here in Phoenix, this rating needs to be specific to the Southern Zone.

 In contrast to the old requirements, the new Energy Star standards are more stringent, and they emphasize reducing U-factor and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC). The lower the number, the better. Without getting too technical, these indicators measure heat transfer and how much solar radiation is penetrating the glass. The goal is to provide better insulation and to minimize heat coming through the glass. 

 Aesthetics matter, of course, but it’s important owners do their due diligence in researching products. Sleek, minimalistic designs are popular with small businesses, and the good news is that there are many options to install glass that maximizes security and minimizes sound, such as loud traffic. 

 For small businesses like restaurants, bars or any business that wants a design element to enhance layout or function, an option is to look for unique features in windows, such as the Pella windows in some Oregano’s restaurants or the bi-fold Arcadia windows at many restaurants and bars that open to the exterior. Bi-fold windows consist of several hinged framed window panels that fold into each other simply and elegantly, to open any space.

Energy efficiency is something we should all strive for, and there’s no better place to start than buildings’ windows and doors.   

Sal Sucato is the founder of DunRite Windows & Doors, which opened in Scottsdale in 2001. DunRite opened a new Phoenix warehouse and showroom in January 2024.

Did You Know: Homeowners wanting to take advantage of the federal tax credit programs to claim new energy efficient windows on their taxes must purchase replacement windows and patio doors that have the “Most Efficient” certification; comparing that savings to the extra cost will help them determine if it’s worth taking advantage of. The home must be the primary residence of the homeowner to qualify. 

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