Bringing Strategy Back 

by Mike Hunter

Bringing-Strategy-BackIn Bringing Strategy Back, strategy expert Jeffrey Sampler cuts through the clutter to reveal exactly why the usual tools of strategy are so sorely out of sync with our needs: windows of opportunity close far faster than they once did, many of these opportunities are smaller than they once were, growth rates are uneven across markets, and today’s competition is more asymmetrical than ever. The upshot for managers is that they need to reorient their approach to absorb the shocks and surprises that strike at a moment’s notice. Only then can strategic planning reliably play its part. Leaders all around the world at organizations of any size and type will benefit by shedding their obsolete notions about strategy and becoming more resilient.

Bringing Strategy Back: How Strategic Shock Absorbers Make Planning Relevant in a World of Constant Change
Author: Jeffrey L. Sampler
Publisher: Wiley
Price: $30
Available: 12/3/2014
Pages: 224

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