Bank Foundation Gives Local First Arizona Inaugural Grant for Business Skills Program

The Integro Bank Foundation is excited to announce its first grant award to Local First Arizona to support the We Rise Business Accelerator, a no-fee six-month program offering comprehensive and practical business skills to Arizona’s Black entrepreneurs.

“We are delighted to announce Local First Arizona as our inaugural grant recipient, demonstrating our commitment to support nonprofits that support local businesses throughout Arizona. We couldn’t ask for a more perfect organization that aligns with our mission. Their long history of dedication to make a difference in our community has been impactful,” said Integro Bank Foundation Executive Director, Dr. Beverly Browning.

“Nearly 70 Black entrepreneurs have launched and expanded their small businesses since 2020 with help from Local First Arizona’s We Rise Business Accelerator,” Carmen Attikossie, the program’s senior manager said.  “The effectiveness of our training is proven.  More than 75% of We Rise graduates increase their sales, and 36% receive business loans, compared to 6% of Black startups nationally.  Integro Bank Foundation’s generous investment provides the resources for more of Arizona’s Black entrepreneurs to get to the top of their game.”

The Integro Bank Foundation is grateful for the support and interest from the community and donors who share the vision of making a lasting impact.