5 Steps to Start Selling Your Freelance Virtual Services

by Edgar R. Olivo

Are you exploring the idea of offering a freelance virtual service?

Do you have an expertise that can help someone or a business?

Do you have any special skills that other businesses need, such as writing, designing, selling or teaching?

Welcome to the club. This article is for you.

Setting up a freelance service is a great way to diversify your income whether you are an employed or not. Obviously, the COVID-19 crisis has changed the work landscape forever, and this means there are a lot of opportunities to seize in the internet of things and services. Nowadays, it is prudent to sharpen your skills, value your experience, and know how to sell yourself online.

A virtual service has its many benefits! It limits your personal contact with people, which is a good thing because it helps prevent the spread of the virus. And a freelance virtual service opens you up to more people because you now have access to a global e-commerce. In addition, you can work from home and avoid paying rent at an office.

Here are 5 tips to help you set up your freelance virtual services quickly:

  1. Know Who You Are Selling To

Take a moment to reflect on who it is you are trying to help. Truly understand how the service can be offered and how it is being offered by your competitors. Then, write out how you differentiate yourself from your competitors so you can feel confident about your market position when you sell to new customers. This little piece of homework can save you a ton of embarrassing mistakes that could cost you future customers. Make sure to study your market to understand what your clients need and how your competitors are filling this gap, so you can get your slice of the pie.

  1. Register Your New Business

Even if you are freelancing to start, you are still selling a service. It is a good idea to set up an LLC and Tax ID number so you can open a business bank account to link all of your expenses and income. This will help you keep your accounts organized and avoid mixing your business income with your personal income. Talk to a business advisor or someone experienced in business filings before registering with the state. There are many free resources available on YouTube and your local chambers of commerce to help you with the process.

  1. Create Your Website

Your website is your online store and an important part of the impression you make. You will want to create a great website that highlights your specialties and is easy for customers to use to book appointments with you. There are many great freelance web designers who can help you set up a simple website to get started on Fiverr.com or elance.com. Make sure to create a sharp online presence to give your future clients the impression you are a top-notch professional.

  1. Create Your Zoom Account

Virtual platforms such as Zoom can provide an excellent vehicle for setting up video conference calls over the internet and mobile devices. Personal contact with customers over video calls is becoming much more common and customers are becoming less shy speaking to a service provider on camera. Setting up a conference call is easy and Zoom offers a great variety of easy-to-follow training videos. The best part is that you create an account for free. Heads up, you will also want to make sure you have an appropriate work space with a clean background before you start doing video calls.

  1. Promote Your New Services Everywhere

Now that you have set up the basics, it is time to promote your new website on every digital thumbprint you have — email signature, social media bios and social media posts. You can even go beyond digital and invest in window decals for your vehicle or signs at a busy intersection. Make sure to collect email addresses on your website to grow your marketing database. The key is to have a lot of people seeing your website and loyal customers sharing your expertise.

Selling your freelance service virtually is now easier than ever. Entrepreneurs today can virtually run an entire operation out of their phone with just five apps. If this is a lifestyle you think you want to explore, do it. The barrier of entry is low and, when done right, the reward is very high.

EDGAR RAFAEL OLIVO is a bilingual business educator, economic advisor and contributor for several media outlets. He’s a nonprofit executive who is passionate about education. He is certified in finance and data analytics and holds a business degree from Arizona State University.

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