A continuing education seminar on Personal Injury Case Management held last Saturday in Scottsdale was sponsored by the Phoenix Personal Injury Attorneys Network. The seminar –taught by Dr. Bill Gallagher, D.C., of Scottsdale and Dr. Donald Bernard, D.C., of Chandler –brought together 70 doctors and attorneys who left with a better understanding of how to work together to help their patients and clients who are injured in motor vehicle accidents.
Proceeds from the seminar helped raise more than $7,000 that will make a difference locally. The first $4,000 of that will be presented to Dr. Alan Immerman, D.C., the president of the Arizona Chiropractic Society, to be used for the group’s legal fund. The ACS is currently involved in lawsuits with health insurance companies that have been denying payment on chiropractic claims.
The remainder of the funds, more than $3,000 will go toward drug abuse prevention locally. Most of those in attendance were chiropractors, and, as members of the largest drug-free healthcare profession, are well prepared to lead the fight against drug abuse. Each doctor will be given training and materials from INSPIREHealth.org to present to schools in their communities. These will be age appropriate and will include materials that can be used by faculty, parents and students of all ages.