Shifting Hiring Practice Mindsets Can Expand and Amplify Talent Pools

Nontraditional collaborations also help enhance the community’s workforce and quality of life

by Bertha Tapia

Businesses today are faced with a multitude of challenges when it comes to hiring skilled and sustainable talent. Since the pandemic, companies have seen a drastic shift in the job market causing a more reactionary recruiting approach, which is neither efficient nor sustainable.

To regain traction and lay the groundwork for a more tenured workplace, companies must shift focus from traditional hiring practices to a more proactive and progressive recruiting initiative.

Laying the Foundation for New Hiring Practices

Shifting hiring mindsets from filling roles to creating opportunity enables companies to lay the groundwork for long-term employment.

By establishing robust internship, externship and mentorship programs, companies can connect directly with the current and upcoming workforce while gaining exclusive access to hiring the best available talent that may otherwise be overlooked.

Implementing this future-focused approach allows companies to evolve and grow with market demands and position themselves as industry leaders, making them a more desirable employer by bringing talent straight to their doorstep.

Finding Untapped Talent through Nontraditional Collaboration

When transitioning to an opportunity-oriented hiring approach, companies should consider seeking candidates with a growth mindset and an ability to help redefine the role to best serve the company rather than those who simply check off the boxes of pedigree.

There is currently an abundance of untapped talent across Maricopa County, and, with a little creative effort and community collaboration, companies can unveil an entirely new source of qualified candidates. Partnerships with nonprofit and other community organizations can be key in identifying these transformative hiring opportunities.

Community Connections Are Key to Talent Acquisition

When companies place emphasis on establishing relationships and connecting with like-minded organizations to build stronger communities, they can uncover hidden potential just beneath the surface of traditional talent acquisition.

To identify this underutilized potential and transform hiring practices, companies must build relationships with organizations and the programs that have direct access to the community. Meeting job candidates where they are in life is important to effectively reach all available and potential talent.

Working with organizations focused on workforce development or fair chance hiring programs and services can provide access to otherwise overlooked and qualified candidates. Organizations like Chicanos Por La Causa, Valley of the Sun United Way, Fresh Start Women’s Foundation, the Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation and Arouet have developed community-focused programs specifically designed to elevate the workforce and create opportunities for individuals to earn a living wage or higher-paying employment for themselves and their families.

Workforce Development Builds Robust Workplaces

With “boots-on-the-ground” approaches, programs like the Fresh Start Impact Program, Connect to Work AZ, United Way’s Pathways to Economic Opportunity and Mighty Families initiatives not only provide critical support for participants, but also provide access to potential candidates as a source for leads and proactive hiring to enhance the community’s overall workforce and quality of life.

Staying ahead of competition when acquiring new talent and building a diverse workforce can help ensure the longevity of a company and establish a permanent foothold within their industry and beyond. With proactive thinking and a shift in mindset, companies can cultivate a stronger and more sustainable workplace — all while creating real change in the community, improving the lives of individuals and strengthening our state’s economy.

Bertha Tapia is the community development and engagement director at Valley of the Sun United Way. Valley of the Sun United Way envisions a community where every child, family and individual is healthy, has a safe place to live and has every opportunity to succeed in school, in life and in work.

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