City of Phoenix Invites Businesses to Partner with a Principal


Business and community leaders will be on their way back to school for the Partner with a Principal program. During the weeks of Sept. 19 through Oct. 14, local corporate executives and community leaders will work alongside Phoenix public, charter and private school principals to actively participate in the school’s administration for one day.

After experiencing the life of a school principal for a day, the principals and their executive counterparts will discuss how local businesses, community leaders and schools can form lasting partnerships to improve the quality of education, workplace readiness and leadership development programs in Phoenix.

Last year, 29 businesses partnered with 10 Phoenix school districts and three charter schools. Local businesses invested in Phoenix schools and provided resources to students such as science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) opportunities.

Those interested in participating in the Partner with a Principal program, can register online at Applications open on Aug. 8 and the deadline to register is Friday, Sept. 2. All participants must attend a virtual information session also on Sept. 7, at 4 p.m. ​

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