Ducey Pushes for More Vaccine Doses to Meet Urgent Needs

State of Arizona Office of the Governor

Governor Doug Ducey is calling on Arizona’s congressional delegation to help meet the urgent need for additional supplies of the COVID-19 vaccine and secure funding for its distribution.

“There could be no better use of your time or advocacy efforts than in helping to secure these vaccine doses for the people of Arizona to help end this pandemic for good,” Governor Ducey wrote to the seven Democrats and four Republicans who represent Arizona in Washington.

As of February 2, Arizona administered 702,664 doses of the vaccine.

The State of Arizona recently requested an additional 300,000 doses of the life-saving vaccine, and an additional 300,000 doses a week. The request was denied.

Governor Ducey issued an Executive Order on December 30 to rapidly expand access to the COVID-19 vaccine by streamlining distribution throughout Arizona and establishing additional vaccination sites. He issued another Executive Order on January 26 to accelerate the statewide distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine and move doses of vaccine to where they can be rapidly administered to Arizonans.

Arizona’s state-run 24/7 vaccination site at State Farm Stadium, which opened on January 11, administers approximately 6,000 vaccines per day. On February 1, the state opened its second site at Phoenix Municipal Stadium but can only administer 500 doses per day because of limited supplies.

State health officials say Arizona has the capacity to open more large-scale vaccination sites once more vaccine doses are available.

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