This book is a groundbreaking investigation into diversity and equality in the workplace, and a clarion call to the people in power who need to rethink their place in the boardroom and become part of the solution. One in four U.S. workers feels they do not belong at work. Structural racism, the patriarchy of the boardroom and pay disparities are just a few of the obstacles in our workplaces that systematically alienate and repress employees of color, women, LGBTQ workers and employees with disabilities, but the statistics are clear: Companies with diverse management teams report 19% higher revenues, and are far more likely to perform above their industry medians. Diversity in business is good for everyone, so why do women and minorities make up only 34% of boards of Fortune 500 companies?
Belonging: The Key to Transforming and Maintaining Diversity, Inclusion and Equality at Work
Sue Unerman, Kathryn Jacob and Mark Edwards
Bloomsbury Business
Available 10/27/2020
288 pages
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