The Chamber’s Business Innovation and Strategy Council is offering a 3-week intensive program focused on pandemic and economic recovery at no cost!* 90-minute classes will be led by experts in their field and are designed to give you a competitive advantage in the areas of marketing, customer acquisition, and HR.
August 11th, 2:00 pm This class provides an essential framework to help you rebuild and manage a great brand and how to successfully market your business during this time of recovery.
August 18th, 2:00 pm Learn about useful skills such as understanding cost per acquisition, the new customer journey, optimizing sales channels and preparing to reopen during social distancing.
August 25th, 2:00 pm This class aims to discuss some of the most critical areas you need to be aware of to avoid Coronavirus HR-related fines, lawsuits, or penalties.
Reserve your spot today! Sponsorship opportunities are available!
*for members only, $20 non-members
Brandon Wiley
Founder & CEO, Hownd
Co-presenter: Session 1, 2
Jonathan Brooks
President, Business Warrior
Co-presenter: Session 1, 2