Pulling Together

by Mike Hunter

CenturyLink – Keeping Networks Running

Recognizing that high-speed internet service plays a crucial role in the everyday lives of its customers, CenturyLink is responding to COVID-19 by suspending data usage limits, waiving late fees, and not terminating a residential or small business customer’s service for the next 60 days due to financial circumstances associated with COVID-19. CenturyLink has also committed to the FCC’s ‘Keep Americans Connected Pledge’ outlining these actions.

Cox – Keeping People Connected

Among other actions, Cox will open to the general public its 1,600-plus Wi-Fi hotspots throughout the Valley and 900-plus in Tucson; will not terminate service and will waive late fees for any residential or small business customer because of an inability to pay their bills due to disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic; and is eliminating data usage overages to meet the higher bandwidth demands.

D-Backs – Funding Gameday Staff and Community Orgs

The Arizona Diamondbacks has established a fund of at least $1 million for gameday staff affected by the postponement of games in Major League Baseball. And the Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation has donated $550,000 to Arizona-based nonprofits that will immediately assist in helping those most vulnerable during the current national emergency.

SRP – Suspending Electricity Disconnections

SRP will temporarily halt disconnections of all customers and waive late fees during the COVID-19 pandemic. This applies to both residential and commercial customers. Customers will continue to accumulate charges from SRP during this time for electric service.

WaFd Bank Arizona – Interest-Free Lines of Credit

WaFd Bank will immediately start offering small business lines of credit up to $200,000 interest free for 90 days to businesses affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19). WaFd Bank is committing up to $100 million in lines of credit to help the business community weather this financial disruption.

Businesses local and around the country are sharing their expertise and proprietary products to help other businesses survive the COVIDF-19 pandemic. Visit the “Offers” section at www.inbusinessphx.com.

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