2024 Top 50 Small Business Advocates & Leaders Guide

Raising Capital

Raising capital is a foundation of business activity. Sources always include the business owner’s own resources, including savings accounts, retirement funds, life insurance, friends and relatives and, more conventionally, banks, credit unions and non-bank lenders.  Alternatives sources of capital include advertising, credit cards, money brokers such as online brokers or lenders — including SBA Lender Match — along with Crowd Funding, merchant credit, non-regulated lending, Angels and Equity Lenders and even purchase order financing or factoring of goods or services. Recently, I was asked about a small business borrowing money and what may have changed in the past five years. The answer is straightforward. Not much has changed other than

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About The Top 50:

The 2024 Top 50 Small Business Advocates & Leaders Guide special section is a resource guide of top small businesses or small-business service companies vetted by In Business Magazine editorial staff and recommended to you, the reader. Serving your business with quality companies can make all the difference in running a small business. These Top 50 business services companies are dedicated to serving their clients and providing proven products and services, and they have a high degree of experience in their given fields. We recommend that you do business with them. Our 2024 Top 50 Small Business Advocates & Leaders Guide special section will be online at inbusinessphx.com for an entire year. Here’s to doing great business together. 

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