The City of Phoenix Receives Findings Report from U.S. Department of Justice Investigation

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Communications Office

The City of Phoenix (CoP) and Phoenix Police Department (PPD) are reviewing the findings from a nearly three-year investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice.

City leaders and members of the community are eager to read the evidence and insights provided by the DOJ which support its findings. “We are taking all allegations seriously and are planning to review this lengthy report with an open mind,” City Manager Jeff Barton said in a message to city employees. “Self-reflection is an important step in continuous improvement, and our Police Department has demonstrated a commitment to reform by making improvements to policy, discipline, internal investigations and training,” Barton went on to say.

As Phoenix city leadership has previously indicated, it is not in the best interest of residents to make any decisions that will affect public safety without adequate time to review the report. The City of Phoenix has reiterated this position in writing to the DOJ, City of Phoenix Response to U.S. Department of Justice Report: June 13th, 2024​.​

“We want to see not only what these individual incidents are that the Department of Justice refers to, but we also want to see whether it included policy change or whether it possibly included discipline, or other changes within the department as far as practices go,” said Interim Police Chief Michael Sullivan.

The decisions made in response to the findings report will have long-term consequences for the city and its residents. For that reason, the city and PPD need to analyze and discuss the full array of costs and benefits of entering into a binding, long-term relationship with the DOJ.

The Phoenix Police Department has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to continuous improvement by enhancing policy, accountability and training. The City of Phoenix highlighted these, and other improvements in a report titled The Phoenix Police Department: The Road to Reform.

The CoP and PPD have cooperated with the DOJ’s investigation for nearly three years. Thousands of requested documents and Body Worn Camera videos have been provided, and access to trainings, interviews and ride-alongs were all granted by the City of Phoenix. We appreciate the dedication demonstrated by the DOJ in identifying certain issues that are worthy of careful review. We remain committed to improving service to all residents in Phoenix regardless of federal intervention.

The City of Phoenix looks forward to continued dialogue with the DOJ and welcomes the next steps in this process. Find more information of the Department of Justice Investigation into the City of Phoenix and Phoenix Police Department, as well as resources on police reforms, here.

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